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时间:2019-09-05 10:04来源:haiwon.com.cn 作者:精品传奇 点击:
《堡垒之夜》是史上最成功的游戏之一,它的成功也引发了许多人的好奇和思索:为什么它能够成为一款现象级游戏?作为前Epic Games用户体验主管,我在2013-2017年间参与制作《堡垒之夜》,我想从用户体验的角度谈谈

Lastly, relatedness is about having meaningful relationships with other people in a game. Humans are a very social species, and multiplayer games often offer compelling relatedness. This can be either through competition, or cooperation. Although cooperation is often more engaging, which is why most competitive games offer cooperative options (e.g. playing in a squad, or playing in a team against another team).


User experience is a term coined by Don Norman (former Vice President at Apple, author of the renown The Design of Everyday Things, 2013) in the 1990s to account for the whole experience the user is having with a product, system, or service: from the first time they hear about it, to when they buy or download it, when they interact with it, and what they later remember about it. Here we are going to focus exclusively on when players interact with the game. In an effort to anticipate all the frustrations that players can have with the game that aren’t by design, while offering the most engaging and fun experience, we use two main UX pillars in games: “usability”, and what I call “engage-ability”.

Extrinsic motivation is when you do something in order to get something else. It’s when, for example, you wait in the queue to get into a ride at the fair. Waiting in line is a means to an end. Video games often master extrinsic motivation: players need to accomplish quests, actions, or harvest many resources in order to be rewarded. Precise goals and clear rewards associated to these goals are very important to keep players engaged, such as what reward(s) can be redeemed after completing a challenge, or what abilities can be unlocked in a skill tree. But this is not enough.

1. Motivation

This iterative process was made possible also because the Fortnite team established a strong UX pipeline, which my former colleague Heather Chandler (former Senior Producer on Fortnite) and I explained in a GDC talk in 2016. We applied a scientific method to avoid falling prey to our biases as game developers and to objectively find what problems we needed to solve in priority during development, through careful UX testing and continuous online tests. UX research was entirely part of the production pipeline, and the team was tasked into fixing bugs related to UX research feedback. Having a strong UX focus means that it needs to be a priority for the team.

Understanding the basics of how the brain works, following a UX framework, applying the scientific method, and establishing a UX pipeline allow game developers to reach their goals faster and more efficiently.


3. 游戏流



游戏流(Gameflow)来源于心理学概念——“心流 (Flow)”,心理学家米哈里·契克森米哈赖对“心流”进行了探索研究。当他在寻找快乐的秘诀时,他发现那些快乐的人更经常处于“心流”状态中。当你专注于某件有意义且具有挑战性的活动时,你便进入了“心流”状态,比如在工作中发挥创造力(画画、编织、演奏),或者玩某些游戏时。对游戏流进行广泛探索的代表游戏是陈星汉的《浮游》、《花》和《风之旅人》。游戏流的一个重要组成部分是挑战。一款游戏必须拥有适当的难度曲线,既不会太简单(令人无聊)也不会太难(令人过于紧张)。这正是游戏和其它产品的区别所在:在设计游戏用户体验时,你必须挑战用户。游戏开发者必须小心地设计“摩擦 (friction)”——玩家需要克服的阻碍。这也是为什么多人游戏必须完善匹配机制,使技术相当的玩家对抗。秒杀或者被人秒杀都不好玩。

-Understanding the player’s brain

Did you notice something surprising in the video? Most people don’t. This is what we call “inattentional blindness” in psychology and it’s a very powerful phenomenon: when we are focused on a task, we fail to notice stimuli that are not related to the task (even when a very surprising event happens!). Many games challenge players’ attention, which is fine once players master the game. However, asking players to multitask as they are discovering and learning about a game can lead them to miss out on important information. This is why it’s critical, for example, to avoid tutorial text about how to regenerate health as players are combating zombies. At best, players are going to be annoyed by the distraction; at worst, they won’t be able to realize that some information has popped up, let alone process and remember it. Since our attentional resources are scarce, game developers need to mind the cognitive load they put on players at any time, and more specifically when players are learning about something new, as this requires even more attention.

How much people pay attention when they process information is a critical factor to the quality of learning or retaining that information. The more you pay attention, the better you will process and retain what is going on around you. For each of these mental processes — perception, memory, and attention — I will explain our main limitations, and how we accounted for these limitations during the development of Fortnite. Keep in mind that the brain is extremely complex. We do not have independent linear channels that process our surroundings as shown in the diagram. It’s not even a process. We use a lot of terms from computers to explain how the brain works because computers offer a compelling metaphor, but the brain does not work like a computer. It is much more complex, and scientists are only just starting to understand how it works. I’m going to briefly explain the main limitations for these mental processes, but you can read more about this in this transcript of my GDC 2015 talk.

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