游戏开发者还应考虑内在动机,即我们做某事的动机只是为了享受乐趣,而不是外在奖励。有关内在动机最可靠的理论是“自我决定理论”(Self-determination theory)。该理论表明当某件事满足了胜任(competence)、自主(autonomy)和关系(relatedness)三种心理需求时,我们更有可能发自内心地去做这件事。 1. 动机(Motivation) Don Norman, The Design of Everyday Things (MIT Press, 2013) Engage-ability References: 2. 用户体验设计准则 感知是一种思维的构建,是一个主观的过程。请看下面这张图。你觉得它是什么?色彩条纹?也许是一个个人?《街头霸王》里的角色?人们对同一输入内容的感知是不尽相同的,取决于他们对游戏的了解程度和个人的感悟。如果你是色盲,这张图对你来说毫无意义(如有冒犯请见谅!)。无论我们设计的是什么,我们必须让产品或系统被所有人理解。这也解释了为什么我们不能仅靠色彩来传递信息。 《堡垒之夜》是史上最成功的游戏之一,它的成功也引发了许多人的好奇和思索:为什么它能够成为一款现象级游戏?作为前Epic Games用户体验主管,我在2013-2017年间参与制作《堡垒之夜》,我想从用户体验的角度谈谈团队一路走来采取的策略,它们如何造就了如今这款现象级游戏。我的心理学专业知识背景、我从事的用户体验师这一职业,以及我个人在这款游戏开发中所做的工作,可能导致我的观点存在些许偏见,毕竟人很容易受到潜意识中偏见的影响。然而,与先前发表的分析文章不同的是,这篇分析的内容直接来源于《堡垒之夜》发行前我在游戏开发者大会(GDC)上所做的数次演讲,以及我在2017年出版的书籍《玩家的大脑:神经科学和用户体验如何影响游戏设计》(The Gamer’s Brain: How Neuroscience and UX Can Impact Video Game Design)。 2. 情感 3. GameflowEmotion in games is mainly about what we call “game feel” and about offering new content. Game feel refers to how good it feels to interact with a game. It’s about its camera, controls, and characters (often called “the 3Cs”). It’s about the sense of presence, provided by an AI (artificial intelligence) that reacts adequately to what players are doing, a meaningful story, or great music, among many other things. Lastly, it’s about the physical reality of the game; how believable it is (rather than its photo-realism). I won’t get into any detail here, but emotion is also about the surprises and novelties that are offered to players. We need something new every now and then otherwise we get bored. This is why online games constantly need updates, new campaigns, modes, skins, or seasons. Gameflow is also about pacing, the rhythm of stress and pressure. A game needs some intense moments, and more relaxing ones. Many action games have “waves of enemies” for example, and in battle royale games players have relatively calmer moments to prepare, alternated with moments when encounters are forced as the map is shrinking. Last but not least, onboarding is paramount to gameflow. In order to enter a state of flow while playing a game, you need to understand what it is all about and how to succeed (or at least how to get better at playing). This is why onboarding players properly, through elegant tutorials that feel part of the game, will greatly impact the feeling of immersion. Onboarding is about making sure players are going to be competent in playing the game. Sure, they will make mistakes and probably die a few times, but if the game allows them to understand what happened and how to get better, they will be able to progress. Having a sense of progression is one of the main pillars of intrinsic motivation, as explained earlier. To learn more about onboarding, you can take a look at the transcript of my GDC 2016 talk dedicated to this topic. 我们做任何事都出于某种动机。因此动机是参与性的核心。然而,即便存在无数有关人类动机的理论,我们仍然无法对所有人类行为做出解释。在所有重要的动机类型中,我们重点关注最适用于游戏的两类动机:外在动机和内在动机。 你可以在我的网站上找到更多有关游戏设计、用户体验、心理等等的参考资料。 -清晰-最小化负担 -Flexibility and accessibility 2. 情感(Emotion) 2. Emotion (编辑:) |