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时间:2019-09-05 10:04来源:haiwon.com.cn 作者:精品传奇 点击:
This process starts with the perception of an input (for example, a tutorial text) and as we process the information conveyed by our many senses (we have way more than five), our memory is likely to

This process starts with the perception of an input (for example, a tutorial text) and as we process the information conveyed by our many senses (we have way more than five), our memory is likely to change. When we learn something, new synapses — the connections between neurons — are created or are strengthened. Everything you do in life — reading a book, watching a movie, chatting with friends, reading this article, etc. — is going to “rewire” your brain, because our brains are not hardwired in the first place. The brain is malleable, and thanks to this plasticity, we are capable of adapting to our ever-changing environment. Between the perception of a stimulus and the modification of our memory, a lot of things happen. Notably, the quality of learning will be affected by many factors, such as our attention, motivation, and emotion.


“用户体验”是由唐纳德·诺曼(苹果公司前副总裁,著名书籍《日常用品设计》作者)在上个世纪90年代创造出来的术语,它指用户使用某一项产品、系统和服务的整个体验过程:包括第一次听说产品、购买或下载它,与它交互,以及最终对它产生的印象。我们将重点放在玩家体验游戏的过程上。为了预测所有由非设计问题导致的挫折,从而创造最具吸引力、最有趣的游戏,我们在设计用户体验的过程中遵循两大准则:“可用性”(usability)和 “参与性”(engage-ability)。

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2008)



We do not accomplish any action unless we are motivated to do so. Thus, motivation is at the core of engage-ability. However, countless theories of human motivation exist, and we currently do not have any motivational theory that can account of all of human behaviors. Among the most important types of motivation, we can focus on two that are the most applicable to games: extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.

Game UX = Usability + Engage-ability


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