Despite some lingering misconceptions about user experience and psychology, increasingly more studios are now trying to adopt a UX strategy, because of the objective guidance it offers. Making games is hard, and competition is fierce. UX offers a set of tools to reach our objectives faster and more efficiently. Building the user experience strategy for a project or a studio is more than merely applying certain tools and methodology; it’s a philosophy. All in all, it is about being in the mindset of placing the players (and not the business) first. Fortnite(from Game developers also need to account for intrinsic motivation, which is our motivation to do certain things just for the pleasure of doing them, not to get something else. The most reliable theory of intrinsic motivation we currently have is the self-determination theory, or SDT for short. This theory explains that we are more likely to be intrinsically motivated to do an activity when this activity satisfies our need for competence, autonomy, and relatedness. 自主在于自我表达。自由选择肤色、胜利动作或完成挑战的方式使我们感觉更自主。这也解释了为什么沙盒游戏(例如《我的世界》或《侠盗猎车手5》)是如此吸引人,因为它们提供许多自定义选项(并且这些选项对玩家都是有意义的)。 -遵循一套用户体验设计准则(游戏可用性和参与性的指导原则)Celia Hodent, The Gamer’s Brain: How Neuroscience and UX Can Impact Video Game Design (CRC Press, 2017) 大脑学习过程: 当你从用户体验的视角分析《堡垒之夜》,你将看到我们为了提升游戏可用性、尽可能避免造成误解以及消除一系列非设计问题造成的挫败感所付出的努力。我在这个视频中介绍了一些例子。就参与性和玩家动机而言,在PvE(Save the World)模式中,《堡垒之夜》让玩家时刻朝着明确的目标前进。在吃鸡模式中,失败的玩家能迅速重新开始,在下一轮中取得更好的表现。游戏的装扮和胜利姿势选项提供了自主性,还有一个“创造模式(Creative Mode)”能够让玩家自由建造任何东西。《堡垒之夜》有效满足了玩家的关系需求,玩家可以在游戏中竞争、合作甚至聚会玩耍。它不仅是一款游戏,它还是一个能够让玩家聊天、跳舞、发挥创意甚至一起看演唱会的社交平台。此外,许多知名主播和明星很早就开始直播游戏,使玩家们纷纷尝试 (当然这一点是我们在开发过程中没有料到的——有时运气也是成功的因素之一)。在情感方面,《堡垒之夜》的制作使人感觉很精致,与环境的互动令人满意。游戏世界画风搞笑滑稽,鼓励玩家探索尝试,正如游戏的创意总监达伦·苏格在欧洲游戏用户体验峰会上谈到的。游戏中还充满了各种惊喜和神秘感。例如,新赛季到来前,游戏中会出现一些神秘元素,从而刺激玩家的好奇心。最后,游戏流十分完善,特别是在“Save the World”模式中,我们精心设计了用户引导(详见2015和2016年的游戏开发者大会演讲)。 Perception is a construct of the mind, and one that is subjective. Take a look at the picture below. What do you perceive here? Color stripes? Maybe people? How about Street Fighter characters? Depending on your knowledge about this game, and even your personal connection to it, you are not going to perceive this input in the same way. And if you are colorblind, like about 8% of the male population, you rightfully feel excluded from my example (please accept my apologies!). No matter what we are designing, we need to make our product or system accessible for everyone; this is why, for example, we should never convey information exclusively through color. Competence is mainly about having a sense of progression, whether this progression is skill-based (e.g. getting increasingly skilled at building fast) or not (e.g. leveling up and buying new skills that make us artificially more powerful within the game). If we do not feel that we are progressing when we engage with an activity, such as learning how to play guitar or trying to lose weight, we are very likely to abandon. This is why progression bars are so compelling. It’s not only because of the promise of getting a reward once we reach a new level, it’s also because we can see ourselves progressing towards a goal, and getting increasingly competent. 参考引用: (编辑:) |