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John M. Chessnoe Joins ANHAM, LLC as Their Iraq Country Con

时间:2020-10-18 22:50来源:haiwon.com.cn 作者:精品传奇 点击:
VIENNA, Va., Feb. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- ANHAM, LLC announced today that Mr. John Chessnoe has joined the company as their Country Contract Manager for Iraq. Mr. Chessnoe joins the ANHAM team from his
  VIENNA, Va., Feb. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- ANHAM, LLC announced today that Mr. John Chessnoe has joined the company as their Country Contract Manager for Iraq.

Mr. Chessnoe joins the ANHAM team from his work as a team leader for the Multi-National Security Transition Command Iraq (MNSTC-I) for the Iraq Ministry of Defense (IMOD) where he provided technical mentoring to several critical members of three general directories. Prior to his work with IMOD and MNSTC-I, Mr. Chessnoe has served as senior contracts logistics mentor/advisor, principal mentor/advisor, as well as principal author for IMOD White Papers. As mentor/advisor, Mr. Chessnoe has also directly managed 47 Iraqi contractors supporting over 100,000 military personnel. In addition to his managerial experience, Mr. Chessnoe has extensive experience providing executive oversight and management of operating budgets in excess of $4B.

"As Iraq Country Contract Manager, Mr. Chessnoe will be an asset to our international Business Development team. His experience in contract and budget management and execution will prove indispensable to ANHAM''s efforts in Iraq," said Mr. A.H. Farouki, CEO of ANHAM, LLC.

As Country Contract Manager for Iraq, Mr. Chessnoe will provide executive leadership to Iraqi contractors and their local workforce whom will in turn provide support for ANHAM Iraq-based efforts and contracts.


ANHAM, LLC () is a leading contracting firm working throughout the Middle East and North Africa ("MENA"), Central Asia, and Europe. With a century''s worth of experience between its principal founding companies, ANHAM is able to efficiently, effectively, and affordably deliver products and services throughout the world. Headquartered in Dubai, UAE, ANHAM has international offices that specialize in providing local support and services to its initiatives, projects, and investments across diverse regions of the globe.

Source: ANHAM, LLC

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